Scratch Card - Piano


Activity Checklist

  • Draw a piano by creating black and white rectangles. costume1
  • Now create a script which plays a note when the “a” key is pressed.

    when [a v] key pressed
        broadcast [piano-1 v]
    when I receive [piano-1 v]
        play note (60 v) for (0.5) beats
  • Create two more notes when you press “s” and “d” on the keyboard.

    when [a v] key pressed
        broadcast [piano-1 v]
    when [s v] key pressed
        broadcast [piano-2 v]
    when [d v] key pressed
        broadcast [piano-3 v]
    when I receive [piano-1 v]
        play note (60 v) for (0.5) beats
    when I receive [piano-2 v]
        play note (64 v) for (0.5) beats
    when I receive [piano-3 v]
        play note (67 v) for (0.5) beats
  • Copy the costume 3 times. Fill in a different key on each one. costume3 all costumes
  • Make each note switch to a different costume and then switch back to costume1.

    when I receive [piano-1 v]
        switch costume to [costume2 v]
        play note (60 v) for (0.5) beats
        switch costume to [costume1 v]
    when I receive [piano-2 v]
        switch costume to [costume3 v]
        play note (64 v) for (0.5) beats
        switch costume to [costume1 v]
    when I receive [piano-3 v]
        switch costume to [costume4 v]
        play note (67 v) for (0.5) beats
        switch costume to [costume1 v]

Challenge: Create a way to change the instrument.

    when [up-arrow v] key pressed
        set instrument to (pick random (1) to (99))